
"Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world, all other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan is number one exporter of potassium, Other Central Asian countries have inferior potassium." - Borat Sagdiyev

I'm sorry, I had to start this blog off with a Borat quote. So it's the night before I leave and I know I probably won't sleep much. CBC Sports has asked me to be a runner/program assistant for the Asian Winter Games and join them in Almaty Kazakhstan.This is my first time leaving North America, my first time flying by myself but not my first time being a runner/program assistant. I shouldn't be nervous right? Wrong. I am super nervous, but also very excited because I've worked for CBC Sports before and I know how much fun it's going to be.
I have learned a lot this year working for the Canadian Broadcasting company. I enjoy being a program assistant because I am able to see how everything is done behind the scenes. Whether I'm in the studio, the control room or with the editors, I always observe my surroundings. Dean was right referring back to the Asian Games in China - Preparation is everything! Everyday is a new learning experience and I STILL cannot believe I am this lucky to go to such an interesting country.

Honestly I never imagined myself going to Kazakhstan, I mean you all have seen Borat right? Who would want to go visit a deserted land full of Gypsies and hairy men with weird lime green swim suits? Well for the record, Kazakhstan is no where near that! I hope I get a chance to soak in the culture while I'm there and take tons of pictures.

It still hasn't hit me yet, and I know it won't until my two feet are standing on Kazakhstan ground.  

See ya'll in 10 days!

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    Alison Spencer is a 3rd year Television and New Media Production Student.  She so impressed the folks at CBC sports during her 4 week placement last fall, that they've added her to their freelance pool.  This winter, they have contracted her to join them in Kazakhstan as   Production Assistant/Runner for the Women's Ice Hockey Crew.  Alison has agreed to keep up a blog about her adventures.


    February 2011
    January 2011



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